Product Review Spooky Eyes Contact Lenses

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Spooky Eyes is a website specializing in natural colored and special effect contact lenses. They also feature UV & Blacklight lenses and Halloween contacts. The company is located in the U.K and ships worldwide for free. According to the package, the contacts are made in Taiwan.

I ordered a pair of natural blue contacts. You can view the listing HERE. The item arrived in a brown envelope. The contacts were in a small box and came with a receipt. The back of the receipt has a return form. It lists their terms on returning orders if you are unsatisfied. The contacts were individually sealed in separate packets in saline. The packets are not reusable. You have to have your own contact case to store them. I put the contacts in and wore them for roughly 5 hours.

I loved how the contacts looked. The blue was a lovely shade and it looked natural. Unfortunately that is the only positive thing I can say about this product. Upon placing them in my eye, my vision immediately became blurry. Throughout the day the contacts also kept moving, impairing my vision even more. I put eye drops in both of my eyes hoping it would help but my vision was still blurred and the contacts continued to move about. After several hours, I removed them.

I was very disappointed with this product and the level of discomfort. I had hoped to use these for costumes such as Elsa, Supergirl, Wonder Woman and other blue eyed characters. Because they impaired my vision I cant even use these for a photo shoot. Unfortunately I cannot recommend or endorse this product.

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