Real Estate in a Depression by Marc Charles

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4:29 PM

Hi Gang:

Ive enclosed a question I received from an entrepreneur recently.

I thought you might like my take.

Question: Marc, whats your take on making money with real estate in the current economy?
M.F. Apple Valley MN

Answer Marc Charles:

In 2004, I mentioned more than a dozen times in my newsletter, blog, speeches and conferences real estate would end badly.

Three conference organizers did not want me back....even though I was the most popular speaker at two of the conferences (according to an attendee poll).

The reason the organizers did not want me back is because I kept talking about a "depression" and real estate collapse (in most areas of the US).

Anyway, that was yesterday....what have you done for me today!

Weve all seen the real estate fiasco...and some people have been devastated by it.

But, the real estate boom (ans BUST) was predictable. If you had eyes to see, you would have known the boom was not going to last.

When I saw a cashier from a local convenience store drive into her triple car garage, which was attached to a $400,000 home, I knew the boom was toast. This was in 2005. The boom lasted another three years, and then kaput!

Almost everyone I knew, 90%+, was bullish on real estate from 2004-2008. The reason everyone was bullish is because in most cases they were making money.

But then the market collapsed....and is still collapsing.

Most people never realize, or refuse to realize, theyre involved in hysteria. But all it takes is simple, common, horse sense. You can also seek wise counsel from someone whos already lived through hysteria or "madness of the crowd". In many cases wise counsel will be twice your age.

Ive made money on real estate. But Ive also avoided major losses. I did not lose one thin dime in real estate from 2004-2009. I was also not underwater with mortgages.

Anyway..enough with the long winded response! can make money on real estate in a Depression. The key is buying at super deep discounts, not being over-anxious about doing deals (or fearful), and paying cash whenever possible.

The problem with most foreclosure properties is finding a clear title, and a property with no liens. But thats another topic.

The days of Fix and Flip are over for now! This market may not recover for 10 years...if ever.

But you can still find incredible deals, offer even less, wait for your terms, and rent the property.

Drop me a note if youd to know about specific markets Im considering.

I hope that helps!

Marc Charles

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