Earn Money Online With YouTube

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Earn Money Online with YouTube

YouTube is the most popular video sharing website. Every month more than 1 million people download and share their videos for free. It has become a main income source of many people. You can also try to earn. This article will give you the ideas how you can earn money from YouTube by becoming YouTuber.

How to start:

To earn from YouTube you need to have a YouTube channel. To open a channel you need to open an account at YouTube. After creating channel upload some videos. You can’t get success if you don’t have enough visitors. To get more views try these steps.

  • 1.     Give your real username and make it short. These will help your visitors to remember your channel.

  • 2.     Upload high quality videos. Make sure sound and picture qualities are okay. I use camtesia studio for editing video. Don’t upload long videos and divide your video into smaller videos. Like web design part 1, web design part 2.

  • 3.     Share your videos at facebook, twitter and other social media, You can also make a blog or website where you can post your videos. You will get huge traffic by doing that.

  • 4.     Communicate with your audience, give response in comments and tell them what they like to see.

  • 5.     Give proper tags and description for your video to catch the attraction of the visitors. Keep uploading to hold your contact.

Start earning:

Once you have gained good number of visitors you can start to monetize your videos. There are several ways to do it.

  • 1.     Show ad: This is very common method. Google AdSense will show ads on your video or on the right side of your video. If someone clicks you will earn some cents. In order to show ads you need to monetize your videos. Click the Monetization tab when you upload a video.

  • 2.     Sell your own digital product: You can good customers from YouTube to sell your own digital products like apps, ebook, art. Make awesome videos for your product and give an eye-catching title to attract the attention. In the description give a link to buy the product.

  • 3.     Sell other’s product: If you don’t have the time to create products but still want to sell then join any affiliate marketing website like Clickbank and sell the products. You will get commission by doing this. In the video tell them what the benefits of the product are and why they should use it. Know the current demand and according to demand choose wisely.

  • 4.     Get traffic: If you run a website or blog which brings you money then YouTube will be the best place to get vast traffic. Make some content related videos and see the increasing income of your blog. Don’t forget to give link of your website in the description of video.

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