How much money do journal publishers make? A lot, a look at the highly profitable world of journal publication, was number 1. Profit margins of the top for medical publishers range from 32% to nearly 42%. Its a good business to be in.
Next was A shallow water blackout is a silent killer. What can happen if you hyperventilate before swimming underwater? You might die.
How to pick the leading physicians of the world was a humorous take on an honor bestowed upon me by a company that is a little careless about choosing its candidates.
In Narcotics addicts can sue doctors and pharmacies for enabling them, we learned of a ruling by West Virginias highest court that spells trouble for both patients and physicians.
Antibiotics for appendicitis? No thanks was a critique of a Finnish randomized prospective trial of antibiotics vs. surgery in uncomplicated appendicitis. I had some serious concerns about the way the study was done and interpreted.
Do surgeons still do postop care? was a guest post by a medical hospitalist who felt that surgeons were no longer interested in taking care of their patients after operating. It drew a number of comments.
The seventh most-read post was So you want to be a radiologist, written by a radiologist who I asked to respond to an email I received from a pre-med student. It was a nice discussion of the pros and cons of the specialty.
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